24th September
Please forgive my lack of funniness and my many spelling mistakes.
If anyone is reading this (which of coarse you must be) today I give you two pieces of good news on my behalf.
- In less than a week now I celebrate (well to be honest I'm not really going to do anything) my birthday. No one has to know.
- And also some appart from Brins has given me a comment. Isn't this fun. Yer it ain't much but it's a start. And I thank you for writting.
If you want to talk about a film I'll think one up at random if you want. Erm....that on with Tom Hanks....Erm "The Terminal" I think. Don't like it Tough. All right you can pick any film if you want to. There is "The Village" which is quite good. Enjoy.
Enough about that.
Well if you're new here enjoy this page. I'm experimenting with ways for people to enjoy this site and come more often so I won't just be writting shit to myself. As you have already found out I don't mind swearing but if your commenting try not to go too extreme. There is a list of possible (only possible mind you) plans for this page when I become more used to these Bloggs thingys. So enjoy.
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