Rob is greatful for many comments
I am glad that people have sent messages on this page. For the person that said it, yes I am quite mad. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha............*cough*
Now for the one who asked, the reason why from rob to sob has gone nowhere is that I just havn't had the time to look back at my past or anything. I may get round to doing it and when I do I will make it clear.
Now one thing if you will send me a message please leave me a name so it seems like you are real and not just me sending myself comments, Thank you.
Now for the one who asked, the reason why from rob to sob has gone nowhere is that I just havn't had the time to look back at my past or anything. I may get round to doing it and when I do I will make it clear.
Now one thing if you will send me a message please leave me a name so it seems like you are real and not just me sending myself comments, Thank you.
At Tuesday, January 11, 2005,
Anonymous said…
ah, I wondered where you'd gone I'd like to see this rob to sob thing, I guess I'm just nosy and like to read about people's lives heh.
Oh, and if you insist - I'm James
At Wednesday, January 12, 2005,
Rob-151 said…
Rob is greatful for your post James and hopes you will enjoy laughing at my very silly life for many days to come.
At Friday, August 05, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Just looking back on your old posts, whatever happened to rob to sob? I liked the idea, but it's still not been touched. Ah well, you'll never read this anyway.
At Wednesday, September 21, 2005,
Rob-151 said…
But I did read it. robtosob was a disaster. But I keep it just incase I have an idea of how to use it.
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