May's challenge.

Rob is sorry for missing out last month's challenge but this time there will be one. Now this is from a film that Rob watched when he was younger and is quite old now but that old. Old as in made in the ninties, last century. The quote is between two people: "I heard someone crying" "Dogs" "No someone. A person crying" "You heard nothing of the sort" The film itself isn't bad, infact its good but not brilliant.

At Thursday, May 05, 2005,
Anonymous said…
This makes me think of some really strange film called 'All dogs go to heaven' or something like that. What a weird one that was.
At Thursday, May 05, 2005,
Rob-151 said…
Nice try Ben but that is not the film I'm afraid. Keep guessing and thanks for taking part.
Maybe next time.
At Friday, May 06, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Tom and Jerry the movie?
At Friday, May 06, 2005,
Rob-151 said…
Tom and jerry: the movie? That film distroyed tom and jerry (infact so did tom and jerry kids).
No sorry G R but that is not the answer.
I thank you all for taking part in the challenge. Keep guessing there is no limit to how many guesses you can make.
Better luck next time.
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