Robonthenet the ever changing place.
The Rob is a strange creature as any of his friends can tell you. After knowing him for a life time he can still come up with the most unexpected nonsense. Let's look into the cause of this randomness. The answer is read fromrobtosob I'm not telling you.
Out of that room he crawls everyday. Eyes unseeing, cold, dark. Breakfast his most hated of all meals. So much hated that he doesn't even have it anymore. Ah adulthood (that's what you would say but is the Rob even human? Who knows). But soon it cahnges completely. The dark eyes change to well how can I describe them. Still unseeing, still tired looking but now with power. Soon he begins his daily attack on the world with lasers from them.
That is the daily life of the Rob (one and only). Everyday he moves closer to control of the world and everyday he holds back those squids who always seem to find their way into Rob's writing. But Rob shall not let them win. He shall fight them across the land across water and time and he shall never surrender until they stop bothering him by making him write about them.... oh boy. I wrote about them didn't I? I'm sorry Rob but they knocked the door down before I could finish. They even threatened the detroy my sock. MY SOCK!!! How can I live wearing only one sock?
Believe me you don't want to work under Rob.
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