The people behind Rob on the net would like to apologise for the behaviour of a former member of staff and hope no one has been sickened by the horrible injury of one of our new workers. We hope that the actions of this person will not discourage you from visiting Rob on the net in future. The fact that this man did not give any amusing calls for help when attacked has ment that this man is not suited to work for us and has been fired on the spot even though he was in great pain. Ha ha ha. That's Rob for you.

At Thursday, June 02, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Rob, I am seriously confused
if rob on the net has workers, can I join???? Yay!!! I wanna join!!
Oh wait maybe not. I don't want to do any work.
At Saturday, June 04, 2005,
Rob-151 said…
Suit yourself.
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