THE HOLIDAY OF ROB IS OVER!!! Welcome back for another year of Rob. And no (for those in the back) there is no escape. Rob has you. Now, beg for mercy. That's better. Rob hopes everyone enjoyed a summer break from Rob because he's back to get in the way of your everyday life. Ah ha ha ha!!! (That was meant to be an evil laugh, ok?) With a new month we have a new challenge for you all to be confused over and puzzle until the day the world comes to an end (or more honestly, next month when Rob gives the answer). There must be some changes to this place, I mean look at it. Dust, cobwebs, the odd dead body. The things you expect to find when you return to a place after so long. Also Rob gave a challenge to name one of the places that he went on his holiday. He gave three pictures of that place. Come on guess where he went, he wants to embarrass - I mean laugh at - I mean see if you got it right. Yes that's right. Anyway Rob gives one more day for anyone to guess the answer. And now (well above anyway) Rob shall create this month's challenge. Oh and if you hadn't guest, that was the official reopening of Rob on the net.

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