Good evening, Rob is back. Sorry there has been no challenge this month but I shall make that now. Now there seems to be little interest with my very few plans for change so I doubt that I shall bother with them. Anyway, anyone want to hear of my little outing? No one?!? Hey such language won't do here!!!! You don't want to hear? You don't want to know of my amazing quest into another universe? And how I fought to the death in a bloody battle to save the forgotten land of eggs? No? Aww and I had planned to talk about my trek to the edge of the universe and beyond. The people of Clen wrote many songs about my many heroic acts. You don't want to know? Your loss. Could I at least talk about how I flooded the land of Madges to save the small village of gohs? No. Sigh. So many snap shots gone to waste. You may at least wish to hear about how I fired Tim? You do? Well it wasn't much. I saw what he said and killed him on thexgfjhjfsf I mean made him leave of coarse. Wink. Well he did his job but I have a strange feeling that he will be back. But I can't stand around all day, I must make a June challenge. That's something that Tim forgot. Next time so called Tim, do what I say or else, moo.

At Sunday, June 26, 2005,
Anonymous said…
who is this Tim?
At Monday, June 27, 2005,
Rob-151 said…
You'll see.
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