A spot of bad news. The amount of visiters coming to Rob on the net has dropped in the last year. There was a time where people were visiting at a rate of ten in just a minute. That was a good day for Rob. You should have seen his excited face. But now his smile has gone, instead he wonders if there is another site that has taken away his many visiters. So he now says "come back or I will cry" and cry he will. Believe me you don't want to see Rob cry. As funny as it may be to watch, you just can't help but pity him. Just look at that face there. Awwwwwwww. You just can't disapoint him can you.

At Wednesday, May 25, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Don't cry, Rob!!!!
At Saturday, May 28, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Pull yourself together Rob! I'm still here (remember me?)
What we need at robonthenet is something so original, so unexpected, and so innovative and groundbreaking that heads turn all over the internet!
You need to do something that's never been done before, or start a big internet craze (like the all your base thing!) That way, you'll become famous, Rob! FAMOUS!! And of course you'll remember me for telling you this. Cough.
At Thursday, June 02, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Huh? Rejected? Rob, what's this??!? Are you hiding something from us?!!?
what's that all about anyway?
At Thursday, June 02, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Not enough visitors?!
Your counter says 800 down there!
Don't feel let down, every site has times when they're up and down. It can be random, or maybe it depends on the time of year I don't know.
Maybe when you post things that people are interested in, they'll tell friends and the site becomes more popular.
do a really awesome challenge that everyone wants to do, that's what I'd do
At Friday, June 03, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Sorry Rob, I stopped visiting for a while. We're all here for you!
At Saturday, June 04, 2005,
Rob-151 said…
Amazing how many visitors come at once. Do you have any ideas for a better challenge carrot? For Rob would like to know. The happier you are the more visitors Rob gets so everyone's happy. I only wish I got payed for this.
At Saturday, June 04, 2005,
Rob-151 said…
Nice comment Sara. Brought a tear to Rob's eye. Snif, and mine too. All there for Rob, snif, loyalty at its best. Everyone's always welcome to Rob on the net and Rob is chearing up nicely. Thanks again.
At Friday, August 05, 2005,
Brins said…
Now why don't I get all these comments? Whaa!!
At Friday, August 12, 2005,
Rob-151 said…
Beats me as well, Brins.
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