Good, now I have your attention. Rob has had another idea. Again Rob asks that you hear him out. He has talked about this with Brins and has reached the conclusion that to see if it could work we have to try it. The idea is that we shall create another Blog, part of Rob on the net but different. The idea is that it could be a more social page. What I mean is that others can join and write their own posts of whatever within reason. Sound stupid? But Rob does want to make things more interactive for the visitors who come here. The plan is that this new blog can be used as a meeting place for others where they can do what they like. Their shall be clear links to the blogs or webpages of the members. This will be your blog and what Rob has in mind is that people can put all of what they know to use in one blog and learn and bring it back to their own. Go nuts in other words. And now I'm talking too much. The idea is that you join and will be able to take part with the creation of it and keep it going blah blah. If you're interested or just wondering what I'm blubbering about, then comment below and call me an idiot. Again this will not happen unless at least a few people take interest. Ta.

At Monday, June 27, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Sorry Rob, I was on holiday.
This is a great idea! Do it at once!
At Tuesday, June 28, 2005,
Rob-151 said…
Only if more people show their interest.
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