The Rob is here to fill your lives with news of Rob. I do not know what I am talking about but that has never stopped me before. The Rob was caught unaware of this photo being taken. I tell you he went quite mad. Oh yes indeed. He was out of control. And you know what that means. He laughed his head off at the sight of his own face. Yes sir, you've never see anything so silly as a man laughing at himself. It took ten hours with trained zoo keepers with nets to find him and bring him home. Phew what a night. And of course we had to say sorry to Mrs Jones after Rob's attacks on her goldfish pond. More on that later. Anyway, on other news: Rob looks foreword to his birthday coming up. Yes we are going to have a big parade, balloons...er what's that Rob? No balloons? You're kidding? Next thing you'll be saying that you want no party hats, no musical chairs, no pass the parcel. You don't? Yet you want the drinks, the stipper...what? Don't say that infront of everyone? But they have to know what goes on in you're life. This is a blog isn't it? What? I'm not to keep saying what? Oh well. Eh? This blog isn't about your life? Well soooorrrrryyy! Some people. Erm Rob. Rob put that gun down. You'll never get away with it. That's my cue to leave I thin-

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