Ah, the life of a cat
After living with a cat for several years there is one thing that cannot be denied: this one never stops surpirsing and amusing.
He is quite the clever little sod. Always finding away to be fed more than he needs. Meowing his wee head off, purring and rubbing himself against your leg while standing over his bowl-cat feeding-thing only around say half an hour after already being fed. Quite the actor. It soon became very clear that he was putting on extra weight. Trying to copy Rob eh? How dare he. He's now on a diet. Har har. And no amount of begging will soften the heart of Rob.

Here's something else.
He sure loves his boxes. If something comes in a cardboard box, no matter

Also look at this.

Still there it is. Part of the life of our resident mog.

At Sunday, May 21, 2006,
Anonymous said…
oh, that cat!!! it's just everwhere isn't it??
Hey Rob, did I ever mention that cat really is very cute??! ^_^
At Monday, May 22, 2006,
Rob-151 said…
All hail the cat (after you've hailed me of course).
At Monday, May 29, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I had a cat once that looked just like that if I remember. Sounds like it gets up to some mischief!!
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