The gatorcrashor
A logo for a joke
For a themed activity in the past Rob designed the gatorcrashor logo. Although this is no way famous or a copy of any known brand it does seem amusing to at least write about it for the sake of it.
Now the name gatorcrashor was chosen because the theme was not even slightly reptile. The gatorcrashor was an inflatable croc dressed up to look like another creature. After a small arguement with the creator of the croc idea (you can guess by now the extent of Rob's arguments which last for years and destroy whole cities in his fury) Rob was allowed to give the croc a logo and a name to make the joke clearer or create another joke depending on the reader. At this point the name gatorcrashor had not been chosen.

The logo was a challenge on it's own but as luck would have it the very first design was chosen by Rob. Well to be more acurrate Rob already had the idea in his head. He rarely makes different plans as he usualy knows what he wants to begin with.
Next it the design had to be drawn larger so Rob made attempts to draw it again and again and larger too. On this picture you can see the original design. Now the newer drawings make a right angle and the first stands on its own while the others are in two lines. Makes sense? Too bad.
Also a name was to be given. This took Rob a few hours. He needed a one word name that would express the joke. Now as you can guess the croc was supposed to be a badger. The creator wanted just the croc dressed up but Rob was convinced that people may not understand or see it as a cheap attempt. Rob to the rescue.
He needed a short one word name that would explain that this was a croc' that was in disguise. It took many attempts before a name was chosen and with the pressure from the creator who was taken a fun evening a bit too seriously. The ideas from Rob included Ali Badger. A rather cheap joke there. Do the words 40 thieves ring any bells? By this time the croc was now a gator.

These are the later designs for the logo. The second last is at the top and you can see it is similar to the final. Rob has always had trouble copying what he has already done before. Which is why he prefers to not do plans and designs. What you get perfect once will never be the same a second time round but Rob needed to redraw the gator again and again so he could get a larger logo than the original.
The chosen design was circled and traced so it could be stuck to the gatorcrashor. Saddly the while the name was being written the creator decided to just use the name gator. This caused a major war. After piece was made the gator now only had half a name. The newly named gator was taken to this fun night, caused some amusement but Rob still feels that gatorcrashor would have been better.
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