About Me
- Name: Rob-151
- Location: Rob Ville, The land of Rob, United Kingdom
My name is Rob, you do not need to know more.
E-mail Rob.
robonthenet@hotmail.co.ukRob's new guestbook.

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The Land of Rob.Award from Brins
For the work in his new and old website:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Every so often Rob will be giving you a challenge to prove that you are worthy of Rob. Now we only have two challenges so far but that'll soon change. They are both the classic name the film the quote comes from and another evil question. If you think you know the answer to both or just one then you can go down in the Hall of frame if you guess right. Oh and GIVE ROB A NAME to identify yourself. NO NAME, NO FAME. It's that simple. Good luck. This month's challenge.Rob's subchallenge.
Rob has now begun a smaller sort of subchallenge. Rob will give you a picture and ask you about it. It's all for fun, no hall of fame. Anyway give it a try if your bored. Latest challenge.Rob's recommended pages.
Other pages of Rob
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Previous Posts
- Rob's younger days.
- Rob is sick of people abusing his comment system f...
- Looking through his small collection of websites (...
- In the answer to Rob's sub challenge of name one o...
- The Rob is here to fill your lives with news of Ro...
- Rob's September challenge.
- THE HOLIDAY OF ROB IS OVER!!! Welcome back for an...
- The final part of Rob's sub challenge to guess whe...
- A new start a new face. Rob took out his new cam ...
- This is the next clue in Rob's tricky sub challeng...

At Monday, September 05, 2005,
Anonymous said…
I can see in the mirror traffic lights is it? Some kind of eh green man? Strange green man if it is!
At Monday, September 05, 2005,
Rob-151 said…
I meant what place: country, city. Keep trying coporal splash.
At Thursday, September 08, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Well it looks like chinese or japanese on the box. But what is that thing?? As for city, em.... Tokyo? That's all I can think of right now.
At Thursday, September 08, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Is that a red frisbee I spy in the background?
At Thursday, September 08, 2005,
Rob-151 said…
Sorry but Corporal but it aint Tokyo. And that isn't a frisbee, Chriss. Besides if it was a frisbee, it would be tiny. The photo is just a close up. But keep the guesses coming.
At Friday, September 09, 2005,
Anonymous said…
At Friday, September 09, 2005,
Anonymous said…
This has got me hooked now. Let's see, I guess.....
At Friday, September 16, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Looks like Rob's away for a while.
At Monday, September 19, 2005,
Rob-151 said…
And now he's back. And no it aint Hiroshima, Coutranger, sorry. But come on keep guessing. You're way off though but come on it's fun.
At Wednesday, September 21, 2005,
Anonymous said…
I give up, I don't know any more!
At Wednesday, September 21, 2005,
Rob-151 said…
I'll give you till the end of the month. But here's a clue. The place is a city in Europe. Come on don't give up yet.
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