Run for your lies or hail it. It's up to you!!!!!!!
Yes it really has been a year today since you saw this photo. I'll prove it. Look at the side bar and scrool down to the archives and click on october 2005 and you'll see it.
It's waited a whole year and it's back.

Rob's scared are you? What do you mean no? How dare you not be affraid of the evil pumpkin!!!! Why I'll show you. You little son of a OUCH!!!! Stupid screen!! You've always held me back.
A new year and a new day of kiddies knocking at your door and demanding sweets and teens egging your house. I know that the teenagers are only following tradition but that's no excuse for them to through a cake at my window. No people!!!! Tradition dictates stones. Stones man stones!!!!! And eggs at special events like halloween. You eat cakes. I eat cakes and I ate those cakes and they were tasty too. A bit muddy but I didn't mind. Where was I? Oh yes cakes are good.
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