A Rob to the past.

Take a look back at the start of Robonthenet and we see that it has come quite a long way in a short space of time. Look, a year old and can you see the difference. We now have clearer pictures, two challenges which people do take part in, over a thousand visitors. Rob on the net was not always as it is now. Let's have a short look back. When I first began this blog I had no real idea what to do with it. I was informed about Blogger from Brins and thusly signed up at once. I havn't regreated it yet. There was a time when I could truthfully say that I had the only sites called Robonthenet but recently I have found another site with that name. Some guy named Rob stole my name. But the reason Robonthenet is called this is because when I was younger I created a sort of website which never went on the internet. Nagged for a name, the person who had showed me how to do it came up with the name "robonthenet" and I named this page in memory of that old disaster. Anyway when I began this page it had a different background. I changed it because it was the kind which no one could like after looking at for more than a few minutes. I found the one I have now and thought that it would a good relaxing background which would do well. Saddly in doing this I had to give up my old webcounter. But again I found a better one in it's place. When I was new at this there were few to no visitors here at all. Whole months would go by and no comments at all. But I think the site really started going was when I introduced the challenges. To my amazment people turned up and entered. Not all the challenges have been entered saddly but that doesn't matter now. When I figured out how to post the pictures my very fuzzy face was shown. Now I could use expressions to show the differences of styles between posts. The reason that I only used my face was because the camera was a web cam the cable would get tangled up if I moved it and so on. Now we have a new cam, a digital cam that I can move around I'm trying to find different things to replace the old. And someone told me that I should use other photos apart from ones with my face. Still in the past year we have had good times: I remember the day when other ten people turned up while I was there and I even commented live to them. I think I even made an enemy that day. That's a bad thing. And a religious enemy at that. Oh you don't want them. They consider you evil and so on and won't speak to you afterwards. Even if you beg for forgiveness. No affence. But I have tried to get on speeking terms with that teenager with no sucess. But another good point: we do get visitors who come here over and over again. People who stick with you through thick and thin. You know who you are. Still back to the challenges. Someone did say that they tried the challenges but didn't comment because they didn't want to be put in the hall of fame. That's the idea that I'm trying with the new challenges. I haven't decided if I will open a new hall of fame or not, but we shall see if there is a demand for it. But anyway you've had a very short look at the history of robonthenet. A website full of whatever and spelling mistakes. Maybe next year I'll reveal more about the history behind the site. But until then wonder about this. You've seen how robonthenet has changed but lets consider the future. What will happen next with robonthenet? The next step will be reavealed on the 30th of September, my birthday. I think you may like it. Every last post on robonthenet can be visited in the archives. You can see how lonely it once was down here. But still who knows one day this site might be placed on the bloggers "blogs of note." If that day ever comes who knows what I will come up with as the number of viewers increases. Enjoy the thought. Someday......

At Friday, September 30, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Yo, Rob! Brins says it's your birthday. No celebrations!?
At Friday, September 30, 2005,
Rob-151 said…
Too much *hick* celebraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatioooooooooooonssssssss wow the world's spinning. Ahem. I'm fine fine. There's nothing wrong with me nothing. Want a fight eh? What? Get off!! No I don't want to lie down I'm fine. Fine. Fine. Fine everything's fine. Oh I think I'll sing now. Ah life is fun when you can pretend you're drunk.
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