Well the long awaited summer is leaving us. We waited in the cold. Suffered the snowballs and blizzereds. Froze to death at bus stops. Oh how we counted the days down until spring would free us of it. Christmas gone. Not much to look forward to. And now we have to go through it all again. Aaaaargh!! Ah come off it it aint that bad. Autumn has just begun. You know what. We at Robonthenet have decided to hibernate through this. Well I decided. The others looked at me as if I was insane (which I am, I'm proud to say) but I do wonder what's so bad about that idea. Animals do it why can't I? Yep, it is a big step but I am prepared to give it a try. How am I going to go around it? Well I'm currently collecting nuts, running up and down trees in my wooly coat and bleating and mooing and knawing and killing and eating and destroying and soon the world shall be mine and all bow before me for I am in comand. You get the idea.

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