October's challenge.
Well it just wouldn't be Robonthenet without one would it. Gather round all ye merry folk of the 'net and listen to the story of erm well I'm out of ideas. Anyway I'll give you a quote and this one is evil oh I love it. "Disregard the nose. What's in a nose? A nose by any other name would smell as sweet... " I bet no one will get this one. Guess the film where it came from. Give up? I knew it.
At Thursday, October 06, 2005,
Anonymous said…
At Saturday, October 08, 2005,
Rob-151 said…
Sorry no luck. Don't tell Rob you havn't seen this film. Ooooh, at bad.
At Monday, October 10, 2005,
Anonymous said…
This sounds like a quote from shakespeare, I think. but wasn't that a rose, not a nose?
At Monday, October 10, 2005,
Rob-151 said…
Corporal Splash sure does know his stuff but the quote is a joke where the character misquotes Shakespear. Keep guessing.
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