Happy Birthday Brins
Now we at Robonthenet can't go anywhere with out giving our good friend Brins some praise. After all he did show us blogger in the first place. Now Brins may wish the date of his Birth secret but we are evil arn't we mr. eviltypepersonguywhodoesn'texist. "Yes you are indeed" you see even he says so. So we'll just say to be on the safe side, happy birthday Brins when ever it is or when it was. No don't get violent I remembered the date. The card? No we had a slight problem no don't shoot me. You know we get this all the time over here. People are always trying to get us Robs. Wait there's only one Rob. Who cares we've gone off the point. Where were we? Oh yes Brins was about to kill us. Oh well just another day at the office. *bang* Ouch, that hurt. I'm telling my mummy on you.
At Sunday, October 16, 2005,
Brins said…
Shucks, I'm flattered to get a special birthday post. I can't think of anything to say to mark this special occasion, but don't worry, Rob, it was a good day. And all is well. And so on.
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