Monday, February 28, 2005
Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Here's a good thing to think about. If you could have anything in the world what would it be? Well Rob here would want erm... Would want erm..... erm...... erm........... He'll get back to you. But what would you (the fans of Rob) want? Think about it. Get a mental picture of it in your head. Smell it, touch it, then forget it because chances are you won't get it. Har har, life is so very cruel isn't it? Want to know why I say this? Well Rob just thought he would bring some cold cruel realarity to his site for some reason. But this could be down to the fact that he is hurt after being cruely snowballed today by some children who think they are teenagers (or are teenagers but don't understand how great Rob is). This is one thing that Rob hates about life. But he loves snow and has meany memories of being a young child and playing in the snow with friends. But the friends have grown older and don't want to enjoy snow. They want to be mature. They are nuts. I'm older than most of them, I'm more mature than them. It is a common thing with children is the they want to act mature and in that way they lose their sense of fun and enjoy ment and soon find that they have nothing to do with them selves except hang around and maybe get drunk. Now Rob doesn't say act like your five but Rob says your not elderly, act like it. Snow allows you to enjoy yourselves without hurting others but in this stupid world. Build a snow man, enjoy a sledge have a friendly snowball fight (but keep Rob away from snow balls). Why do people find the simple act of enjoying themselves as just an act of childness???????? World you have confused Rob yet again.

WOW Rob's on a role here. That must be the longest post he has made and it is full of two different thoughts to think about from the brain of Rob.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Thursday, February 17, 2005

Hey world come on!!!!! Rob is not happy again!!! You have brought shame to yourselves. Try the challenge and DON'T FORGET YOUR NAME ALONE WITH IT or else no hall of fame for you!!!! And Rob tells you now that you are shamefull for not trying. Rob won't make fun if your answer is wrong. Come on Rob made this one simple. Give the challenge a try. NOW!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Wednesday, February 09, 2005
They fell to the power of Rob. And they made his day.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Rob says these are the best films in the world. Like them or leave them but Rob very very seriously recommends them.

The best film in Rob's opinion is That the best films are:
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.
- Spirited Away.
- The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
The Lord of the Rings films are great due to many reasons. One they are spectacular and anyone who says they aren't need their heads examind. They are action pack and Rob finds it rare to find his heart pounding fast after a battle. The second film is good but lacks the action. The battle is good but the action doesn't seem happen with the battle. Rob is not saying it's a bad film just that it drops below the others slightly. When the first film came out Rob wasn't very bothered about seeing it. He thought it would be a very silly fantasy film. (He had just seen one that morning and didn't like it). Rob was in for a shock. At once he was given a short glimpse of a battle scene in the intro and was blown away at once. But it was not until later that Rob would see just how much he had misjudged the film. He left the cinema in shame of this and saddness because the film was other. Was it really three hours?? Boy how time fly.
Now Spirited Away is different. By chance encounter while parent still wanting to train Rob in the finner things took him to see two films in smaller cinemas to see films that don't make it to the larger cinemas. Rob was instantly blown away by just how good it was. I must say this that out of all the many films that I have seen that film must the only one that I can call nice to watch. There is just something about it. It could be the eiree beginning, the lovely music, the funny and lovable characters that go together to form one of the best films of all time. Don't ask me why it couldn't make it to the larger cinemas here, I just don't understand why such a masterpiece should be shuved in the corner like that. Rob demands that you watch and enjoy. This would go down under Rob's best film but Rob has to go with others that got to him first.