Rob on the net


Thursday, April 27, 2006

Rob's changed his mind.

You don't want to read all that stuff do you. Just going on about how good I was at school (at that age at least). The rest really says stuff like good at this good at that. And about how a nice person I am and how caring and polite I am. Wow how much things change. Bwa ha ha ha.

Still busy time we are having. Just dragged a slave on a death march because he wouldn't let me have a free ice cream. Oh he gave me the van willingly I didn't force him. He even gave me the keys saying "please take it and go." What a nice guy. Well I then had all the ice cream but I still had to make him march. Nobody orders Rob around. Still there you go. Ah ice cream.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Page 1 Part 2

This is Environmental studies which is just an odd name for topics studied and projects.

It reads:"Robert has shown an interest in most themes this year but appeared most interested in the Jacobite theme. He is capablein working independently but must try to improve his time management although progress has beenmade in this area over the year. He appears to be more confident in class discussion and his written work shows a sound knowledge and understanding. Presentation of works varies according to concentration. Robert enjoys group tasks."

Rob says: "Well of course I was interested when we studied the Jacobite rebelion. I was an 11 year old boy and was being told about wars and so on. Trouble is that few people in my year really understood it. They keep thinking it was the scots uprising against the evil english. What? No no and no. Fools.

"Ah class discussions. How I have forgotten that they even excisted. Well they must have because it says so. Hmm.

"My memory is a bit hazy with this year. I remember enslaving everyone and declaring war on the world but not much else. Is this the year when those giant squids made their first appearance. Blooming squids. Still I remember the rain forest topic, the jacobites and the dreaded living and growing.

"Buildings and personal safety. No idea what that was.

"This wasn't exactly a Rob tasic year but hey I'm out it now."

Part three: Religious and moral education. That was a joke. Can you stand to read more?

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Look what Rob finds.

In the old house of Rob something was found and is now in the hands of Rob.

An old school report from when Rob was aged 11. That was a long long time ago. That was around the time when Rob entered his fat years (which he is slowly leaving behind now. Yipee).

Let's take a look back at the real Rob's past which isn't fictional with some real events tucked in.

Day by day we shall be giving a new section of it (there are only 6 parts) and Rob shall be telling his memories about that time. No we are not trying to become like those silly documentaries like on TV. This is a look back Rob style.

Page 1 Part 1

This is english. A bit obviuos I know as you can tell from the picture. If you can't understand the writing there then worry not for I shall be writing out what it says below.

It reads: "Robert has become a more fluent reader and now reads with excellent expression. He has a good understanding of texts but needs encouragement to contribute to group discussion.
"Robert has some imaginative ideas in creative writing and makes good use of punctuation. However he has a tendency to omit details or words important to the reader's understanding and must pay more attention to this. Class/group spelling test results have been good on the whole but Robert must be more careful in editing for common words. Handwriting has seen a marked imrovement. Robert is very expressive when talking to an audience but must try to slow down as he is often indistinct."

This is what Rob says about all this: "Ah group discussions where everybody wants to be the leader and the weaker never get a word in. Bullying runs riot and right under the teacher's nose too. It's a dog eat dog world in those classes. You had to keep your head or else the others used you as their carpet. Usually it's easier to just sit back and relax and let the group do all the talking. Hee hee. And watch them do all te work. The trouble is that if you do this the others will turn on you. Oooh it's tough.

"Hee hee good spelling? As if. Just goes to show how much has changed.

"Expression when talking to an audience. If I didn't do that how will I be able to rule the Land of Rob (if it even exicsts).

"I think the part about editing was when we were given some writting which had mistakes on it and we had to correct it. I'm guessing here becaue I don't really remember."

Look out for part two: Environmental studies.

Monday, April 03, 2006

April's Challenge.

No Rob never (well that's a lie he always) forgets. And so he brings you a nice new challenge.

The answer to the last one was Back to the future part 2 the best of the three, Rob says.

This month's challenge. The quote that I shall use I demand should be remembered as a classic line. I demand it!!!!! It is between two people and that's all the clues you'll get.

"But that's a priceless Steinway!"
"Not anymore"

I love that line.

Robonthenet the ever changing place.

The Rob is a strange creature as any of his friends can tell you. After knowing him for a life time he can still come up with the most unexpected nonsense. Let's look into the cause of this randomness. The answer is read fromrobtosob I'm not telling you.

Out of that room he crawls everyday. Eyes unseeing, cold, dark. Breakfast his most hated of all meals. So much hated that he doesn't even have it anymore. Ah adulthood (that's what you would say but is the Rob even human? Who knows). But soon it cahnges completely. The dark eyes change to well how can I describe them. Still unseeing, still tired looking but now with power. Soon he begins his daily attack on the world with lasers from them.

That is the daily life of the Rob (one and only). Everyday he moves closer to control of the world and everyday he holds back those squids who always seem to find their way into Rob's writing. But Rob shall not let them win. He shall fight them across the land across water and time and he shall never surrender until they stop bothering him by making him write about them.... oh boy. I wrote about them didn't I? I'm sorry Rob but they knocked the door down before I could finish. They even threatened the detroy my sock. MY SOCK!!! How can I live wearing only one sock?

Believe me you don't want to work under Rob.

Rob is still creating this site and is learning about it as he goes. But there is along way to go still.

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