Rob on the net


Sunday, December 31, 2006

About a mouse.

Where was our resident moggy?

With the rain smashing against the house and the wind bashing all who stand in its way, the storm was growing strong.

So strong that no creature could be seen outside. Not even a bird was seen in our skies. Empty, cold and threatening. But there was something that disobeyed the rules and risked the storm to catch food.

A mouse.

The cutest little bundle of disease was spotted wondering Rob's garden today. Catching bird food that had fallen off a bird feeder, it ran back and forwards from a bush where it hid until the next venture. Quick step, hide search then move again.

It was safe though as our moggy was inside and even if he wasn't he is a bit too Garfield to do anything. So the mouse continued it's merry Hogmanay feast. Cute little feller.

Monday, December 18, 2006

A new idea from Rob.

Seeing as Rob gives you a challenge everynow and then how about you give a challenge. Go on set Rob with a challenge. It can be anything like a task or whatever. Make it a comical one.

The reasons for this will be revealed in time. Just have a laugh and don't ask Rob to anything too evil. Remember it can anything be it dance a merry jig in the centre of Edinburgh or be boring and tell him to go into space.

Go for it.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Jingle Rob jingle Rob jingle all the way...

Is it that time of year again? Sheesh time goes by quickly doesn't it. Why it only seems like last year we were in the same situation. Here we come debt and family fights. AND!!!!! IT'S WINTER AGAIN!!! AAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Still it is an excuse to be jolly. So let us all be merry just for the sake of it. Bring out the lights, bring in the tree and put up the decorations. Bring on the parties and the comical santa hats. Let the shop workers feel like idiots in their strange christmas dress (it's fun to laugh at them besides I would have thought it would be a laugh to wear that stuff). Fill the children's minds with sweet lies of fat men wondering into their house via chimmnies they don't even have just so the parents can worry and pannic over their bank statements. It's all great fun. Oh and who could forget. Let the weird American people (the weird ones not all of them) put up websites saying how Santa is evil.

Yes christmas is a time where everyone gets what they want. Be it anger be it poverty be it that wonderful toy that turns out to be boring, it's a great time of year.

No matter what you believe you can't deny that the cities look pretty at this time of year. Not so much during the day but at night. Lights every where lighting it all up.

Let's all be merry this year while we get (or don't get) our presents and meet family and fight as you always did in the old days.

Oh and it's no where near Christmas yet. All the more time to be jolly. Woo.

A new age of Rob's challenge.

There is now a page of Rob that has been created for one reason and that is to host challenges. And it's no longer just quotes from films. Have ago guess the answers. Click here to go and see what you think.

Friday, December 08, 2006

The quest continues
The film that suffered countless problems is finished and will soon be online for anyone who wishes to see it.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Yes Rob's fluff.

What's Rob's fluff? Well it's only really works when you place it next to Rob's surname and that is *A loud beep was heard and the man's voice was drowned out by it.*

The fluff is in fact Rob's fluffy hair. Because it doesn't grow long but out (*voice of Rob "thank you very much mother"*) his hair becomes thick and when it hasn't been cut for a while it becomes nice and soft and fluffy. Back off ladies the fluff's mine.... er by mine I mean Rob's of course. Ahem.

The idea of fluff came from someone Rob shouldn't mention and he's known as *another long beep was heard.* OI!!!! Can we get that bleedin' beeper out of here!!! I'm trying to annoy and embarrass people here!!

You know it is odd how no matter how many times Rob's face is photographed it always looks different. It's as though there are many people here pretending to be Rob. But could not be. Could it? You decide although that is all nonsense because it's all photos of Rob and Bill and Steve and that other guy I've forgotten the name of and...

Rob is still creating this site and is learning about it as he goes. But there is along way to go still.

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