Rob on the net


Monday, October 31, 2005

The night of spooks and whatever has come. The night where they get the chance to wonder the earth. But. The Rob is always here. Happy Halloween everyone. Now what child can not enjoy a night of free sweets (and in my day, the odd coin). Sniff if only i was a child again. Dressing up, saying a rhyme and getting goodies for it. But some children are lazy and only say "trick or treat." Come on people think. Use this to your advantage. They asked for either a TRICK or a treat. So it does not mean you have to give them candy now does it. Ha ha ha ha ha. Listen to the evil pumkin, he's always right. What you do is when they ask for it, shut the door in their faces for a few seconds then open it again and point out the mistake in their speech. Of course you give them the candy afterwards because the kiddies will be sad. Of course Robonthenet will not accept the blame if this plan backfires and the kiddy's parents punch you. The pumkin has spoken. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Today the Rob kicks back his feet and relaxes. After a hard week of work and murdering his employers, he returned home to be once more Rob. What all this means doesn't matter for it's not in sense that the Rob lives. What this means I don't know. But what I do know is that Rob is Rob. Now I know you are all wondering what I am talking about but let me assure you that it doesn't mean anything so if you don't mind I'll stop talking. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Rob, Rob, Rob.

You know the history of Rob goes back many years to the 80's. Rob was first seen in the popular comice strip: thiscomicdoesntexist. There he was mearly a character who was there for the cheap laughs. But soon it was impossible to not know about the popularity of Rob. Soon he was on his way with his own spin off comic strip: thisisnonsensedontbelieveit. Soon it was time for the world of TV and Rob was on with his own cartoon: dontitalkrubbish. Saddly this show didn't go down too well. Now Rob had reached his peak, it was all down hill from there. People forgot who this "Rob" was. This was until author B. F. Someguy. Now Someguy made Rob into a series of popular novels which were both funny and exciting. Now into the early ninties the novels had become less popular, sales going down, and no demand for it. Worse was yet to follow with the death of Someguy at the age 52. The last Rob novel: thereisnonovel & dontbelievewhati msaying was left unfinished. But this was not the end of Rob as he was to make several appearences in cartoons such the famous nonexistance thisisalllies. Again desastor struck. The death of Rob's creater, D.T.Thisguyimet in 2001. With no one to draw Rob there was nothing left of him, although he did make appearances in small time cartoons. For years nothing of Rob was heard of until newly out of college, Dioty Jackson, got the rights to remake the legendery Rob. Getting in contact with his friends he put together Robonthenet and brought the word of Rob to all. This can all be read in: thisisallapackoflies and the more popular whydoyoulistentothis.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The land of Rob question.

Rob was wondering if maybe a new site devoted to randomness is something that is wanted. Heck it will be a shame if we opened and no one liked it. Or more accuratly, Rob is having second thoughts. He had a plan but he is latly pondering about "what the hell to put in it" these being his words. All the plans are still on this little bit of paper here and can be changed. We would be happy if anyone has any ideas about what they want for now is the time to give them to us. Come on get us started. I beg of you. I'll cry. Do you want that? Me crying right here? Yes? That's right, you just say whatever you want, you can't hurt us. Infact I wonder if maybe people are a bit too shy to comment. Awww. Diddums. Little baby so shjkzshksjOW!! Why you little, you hit me.

They say that they will make a new Bond film. Hmm. You know the last two were a bit too sci-fi with stuff like a 3D cgi head floating in mid air (impossible), an invisible car (hmm there may be a way, but that's not important). What ever happened to this series of films? The last theme tune should be destroyed. Heck the new Bond films seem as if they are just people trying out different things, experimenting if you will. After all the films will make money no matter how good they are because they are Bond films and people will want to watch them and own them. Now this takes the biscuit. James Bond is supposed to have dark hair. I know that daft Roger Moore had light brown, but blond. Hey mate dye your hair, it's that simple don't make a big deal out of it or say your making a change. Another thing, oy, John Cleese stop being the copy to the last great Q actor (I forget how to spell his name so I won't embarrass myself, curse my poor spelling). I have nothing against John just that should calm his acting down. He can act very well but he seems to be over acting in these things he is in now. All that aside we all hope that they will make a good one for a change. Rob has faith, don't you Rob. It will be a long time until the film is made and shown here in Robville, but we look forward to what next desaster they will come up with. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Happy Birthday Brins

Now we at Robonthenet can't go anywhere with out giving our good friend Brins some praise. After all he did show us blogger in the first place. Now Brins may wish the date of his Birth secret but we are evil arn't we mr. eviltypepersonguywhodoesn'texist. "Yes you are indeed" you see even he says so. So we'll just say to be on the safe side, happy birthday Brins when ever it is or when it was. No don't get violent I remembered the date. The card? No we had a slight problem no don't shoot me. You know we get this all the time over here. People are always trying to get us Robs. Wait there's only one Rob. Who cares we've gone off the point. Where were we? Oh yes Brins was about to kill us. Oh well just another day at the office. *bang* Ouch, that hurt. I'm telling my mummy on you.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

It will soon be time. The time to peer into Rob's mind and see the insanity. The land of Rob opens soon. The new site promises to be different from any other Rob has made. Don't turn off that computer, there will be more news and a closer look at just what to expect in this new site of Rob. All coming soon. Be ready. It's getting closer. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 06, 2005

October's challenge.

Well it just wouldn't be Robonthenet without one would it. Gather round all ye merry folk of the 'net and listen to the story of erm well I'm out of ideas. Anyway I'll give you a quote and this one is evil oh I love it. "Disregard the nose. What's in a nose? A nose by any other name would smell as sweet... " I bet no one will get this one. Guess the film where it came from. Give up? I knew it.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Well the long awaited summer is leaving us. We waited in the cold. Suffered the snowballs and blizzereds. Froze to death at bus stops. Oh how we counted the days down until spring would free us of it. Christmas gone. Not much to look forward to. And now we have to go through it all again. Aaaaargh!! Ah come off it it aint that bad. Autumn has just begun. You know what. We at Robonthenet have decided to hibernate through this. Well I decided. The others looked at me as if I was insane (which I am, I'm proud to say) but I do wonder what's so bad about that idea. Animals do it why can't I? Yep, it is a big step but I am prepared to give it a try. How am I going to go around it? Well I'm currently collecting nuts, running up and down trees in my wooly coat and bleating and mooing and knawing and killing and eating and destroying and soon the world shall be mine and all bow before me for I am in comand. You get the idea. Posted by Picasa
Well the subchallenge didn't go so well. Guess where the wee green man came from. People did guess but guessed wrong. Rob said it was a city in Europe. Still no correct guesses. Well Rob gives up and puts those people out of their misery. The answer was Berlin. I mean come on you could see it written in the picture. Anyway another sub challenge coming soon.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

IT'S COMING SOON. The land of Rob will soon be here. If you though Robonthenet was random with bad spelling and punctuation that is worse than the work of a two year old, then prepare for a suprise. THE LAND OF ROB will confuse you more than you can imagine. The question of "what does this mean" will find new meaning. BE VERY AFFRAID!! It's coming... Posted by Picasa

Rob is still creating this site and is learning about it as he goes. But there is along way to go still.

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