Rob on the net


Monday, January 31, 2005

Rob's new challenge.

There is now a new challenge from Rob. This one is very easy so I think I shall have two challenges this month. Here are some hints to the name of the film. It is the last in a trilogy. It was very popular in it's time. It came out on dvd for the first time last year. Posted by Hello

the quote is: "I'm going to save you" "You already did." Oh man how easy this is.
Rob has not been fealing well. He has a cold at the worst time as always. He needs to be busy but this cold is holding him back. I tell you the presure is getting to rob. He can't even spell correctly anymore. It's not summer yet and Rob is pissed off with the lack of spring warmth filling the land. Posted by Hello

Friday, January 28, 2005

Rob has made mistake sorry. You may now comment on all of Rob's pages.

Rob forgot that in order for people to comment on his blogs he had to set the settings to allow this. Rob forgot. He is sorry. You may now debate away.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Some one has won Rob's challenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And his name is God?

Yes Someone calling themselves God has won the first ever Rob's challenge. His name will go down in Rob's hall of fame for all time.

Please put your answers to Rob's challenge in the comment bits below the post.

There will be another challenge later. And very soon indeed.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Rob has gone other page crazy.

What's this you ask? Yes it's another page from Rob. This time it is a diary of rob. It has not begun but it will and sooner than you think. Stay tuned for more news. Posted by Hello

The page is called Days in the life of Rob and it is here to replace a day in the life of Rob taking up space on Rob on the net. Enjoy.

Rob has his e-mail address back!!!!!!!!!!!

Rob's e-mail address is back. He said he forgot the password but it was really the fact that hotmail now comes in as well as .com, so Rob had not forgotten the password, mearly the address. Rob is sorry for the stupidness he has shown you and hopes you will laugh at him for many years to come. Posted by Hello

The e-mail address is Please e-mail Rob.
Hi all it's Rob again. He'd like to thank two people for signing his guest book and for one person to give me a handy hint about the site. Rob is greatful. Please do not forget the new debate page. There are three debates. Come on. There's one about Bush. Tell all Rob's fans (if any) about how much of an idiot Bush is or how we are misjudging him. Either way Rob stays Rob and won't give away his political fealings even though Bush is as dumb as an ape it won't affect what Rob has on his site. Posted by Hello

Rob wants you to enjoy his web site and not just glance at it and move on. Take a moment to put your views down on the debate page, write what you want a debate over (if nothing you feal strongly about is there), try the challenge, sign the guest book, and most importantly: Give Rob a comment every now and then. Rob like comment.
Looking confused Rob? Well you should be. Rob has been fealing very tired of late. And he seems to have lost his short term memory. Maybe it is because of his lack of sleep since a few years ago. Maybe all those nights not being able to sleep has taken it's toll. Look at those shadows under his eyes. See them? They are on all his pictures. Oh man I am tired and fed up. Posted by Hello

Take pity on Rob.

Posted by Hello

Have pity on Rob. Rob has had a disaster at home. His computer broke down. This is the second time this has happened. Once with his old computer now with his new one. Rob is extremely pissed off as he has lost a hell of a lot in just a second and how you ask?? Beats me. All I know is that Rob will have to spend months finding his old downloaded files from the internet again!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAARGH!!!!!!! Oh my this is going to be hard. Have pity on Rob in this depressing time as he mourns his loss.

Rob not happy!!!!!!!!

No one has found out the name of the film yet. And forces beyond my control have decided that I should give more help as I haven't been specific enough!!!!! Right!!!!! Here is the last (I mean it I'm sick of it) clue. Three actors from this film are: Christopher Lambert, Sean Connery, and Clancy Brown. Come on!!!!!!!! The film was directed by Russell Mulcahy. Stuck? Look than up on the internet. Try Google for a start.

That's it!!!! No more till February.

Rob shall not give anymore. I am practicly giving it away now!!!!! The first comment with the answer gets it.

For the first quote click here. For the second quote click here.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Rob's debate page opens

Posted by Hello An idea from Rob along time ago come to life.

Last year Rob came to his many fans with an idea. An idea for a debate page that would be far more spectacular than any other. Now it opens today with three debates. Rob's deabate page. Enjoy.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Last chance to guess the name of the film. The challenge ends this month!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Hello Come on!!!!! This film was made in 1986 if you're wondering. No more clues. Now the last quote:

"I don't like boats. I don't like water. I am a man not a fish."

Come on!!!!!! Someone must know this film. If you do, tell me the answer and your name (or a made up name to identify yourself) so you can be placed in ROB'S HALL OF FAME!!!!!!!!!!! It's worth it believe me. Your name on the net for ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (or at until I become sick of this site).

For the first quote click here. For more help click here.

Rob is tired.

Rob is tired. What's that? You're tired too? Oh well you can't be because we all know just how tired Rob gets.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Cold snow.

It's cold and there is snow what else do you want to know.

Here there be snow. Over night it has snowed here. The fun is outside and yet it isn't. The annoying children outside with there snow balls can really ruin a great day. Therefore Rob proposes an anti snowball campaign at once!!!!!!!!!!!

Surely you all must be sick of these small cheecky things and I bet you want them to die, and that's nothing compared to what you think of children. Get it think of.........oh never mind.

Rob against snow balls. Will you join. Click here.

Monday, January 17, 2005

It's not all a laugh with Rob. He makes mistakes and very silly ones when you come to think about them.

Rob is not having a good day. He made an e-mail address for this page. A free address from hotmail. Guess what happend then. He forgot the password so he couldn't see any messages. So he made another e-mail address and what happend then? He forgot the password again. Rob you fool!!!!!! Now I wouldn't send Rob any e-mails for now because he can't see them. He will tell you when he remembers the password so don't lose hope yet. Still look at this face and find pity in your heart to forgive this poor boy. I'm sorry,
Rob. Posted by Hello

Manty visitors and yet no comments!!!!!

Rob has found to his delight that yesturday he had so many visitors. But yet no one stopped to sign guest book nor would anyone give a comment to show who they are or what they think of this blog. Rob demands that there should be comments everywhere because Rob like having people talk to him. Thank you.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Looks like it's time for Rob to sign out. Amazing just how many people have been visiting this blog in the last hour. But all things must come to an end and here in the UK (Britain) it is time for Rob to leave. He has things to do tommorrow and needs the sleep. See you tommorrow, I hope. Posted by Hello

Rob's challenge.

Rob now has a very evil challenge for you all to try. The winner will be place in a hall of fame which I shall create. The first challenge is to name the film where this line comes form. Posted by Hello

"I have something to say. It's better to burn out than to fade away."

Oh man that film was quite silly but still not bad to be fair. Find the film and be famed by all viewers of Rob on the net.

For the second quote click here. For more help click here.

It's Rob again and this time he aint very happy. It seems that no one but Brins has been signing my Guest book. Rob upset now. Look at this face. How could you be so mean to him. Look he's ready to cry (again).  Posted by Hello

A nice picture of me.

Posted by Hello

The style of Rob. Like it or leave it.

Hi all it's me again. Observe the style of Rob. The fashion of the world in terms of Rob. Rob likes this brown zip jumper with a hood. The t-shirt below doesn't matter as the brown top goes with almost anything. The trousers should be a nice navy blue with shoes to match. Rob feals This suits him, but if anyone else thinks otherwise you can laugh at him. Now when a beard is grown it should grow round the head like a lion's mane with no hair on the upper or lower lip, just one large sideburn. The hair on the head should be cut to a size four and left to grow. Posted by Hello

Rob on the net goes E-mail

Rob on the net now has it's own e-mail addresse for all fans of rob (if any) to give me a word about anything.

The email addresse has been destroyed for now. Sorry.

Give me a word. You can also send me a comment and sign my guest book. Sometimes the guest book may not work because it is a free peace of shit, but when it works, it works well. Rob likes to know the people who visit this site. I want to have a site which can be more interative which is why I want people to contact me.

Have fun with my Blog. Enjoy.

The time is 20 to three and the Rob Stirrs from his den to say good morning to the world. Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Don't be scared it's only Rob. Look into my eyes and be affraid. Tremble with fear at my picture that makes me look slightly female. You're one to laugh, look at your face......Oh all right I know I can't see it. Still enjoy my face. Posted by Hello

A day in the life of Rob

Busy Rob Posted by Hello

You know it is not all fun and games with life. Rob knows that life is not the best. I am usually always busy every day. It can be hard to be able to get onto the computer and make a new post day by day. Lately I have been finding that I have very little time at all these days, so what I do is send small posts one at a time in each day when I can get the chance. Yeah that's right Rob is not always insane. He has a life to live so try not to be angry if Rob makes promises to make another post in that same evening and then doesn't do it. He always has a good excuse.

Rob is becoming very tired lately. There is just too much stress for Rob to deal with. In British time, here, it is 5 to midnight and Rob will be going to bed soon. I hate Sundays as I have to work on Mondays and the weekly cycle begins again. The daily drag. Oh boy is it a harsh thing to do to one so young as myself.

I love Saturdays, or at least I used to. When I was a child Saturdays seemed to last forever and the evening was a blessing after a long day. I think that this could be due to the fact that because I am so tired after Fridays now, I don't get up until at least midday, so there is less day for me mainly because it is winter.

I hope you all have a better weekend than me and I bid you all goodnight.

Confusing life.

No need to look confused, Rob Posted by Hello

Rob is here again. Gaze at the holy face of Rob and tremble with fear!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you ever find life confusing? Rob does all the time. Rob is even confused with himself. Now if your wondering what Rob is walfiling about now then you are just like Rob confused and confusing.

Good bye.

Friday, January 14, 2005

100 visiters Special.

Rob on the net has had over a hundred visitors and Rob is having a party.
We even have Brins here to take rob on the net to anew and better level, well I hope he will.

Rob is pleased to say that he has had a hundred people coming to see his site. Now here we have Brins himself to say a few words. Take it Brins.

Hello, I am Brins and this is the best website ever except mine obviously which is the best website in existence, I think we need more comments here and more people need to say things otherwise it's boring, so there.

Brins everybody.

100 visiters Special.

Morning fellow fans of Rob if there are any.

Rob is here to fill your day with chear. Now here's Rob with all the news of the day.........................there wasn't any.

My good friend Brins has been telling me about how no one is signing his guest book except me. Rob not happy, Rob not pleased. If it wasn't for Brins then there would be no Rob on the net for you happy people of Rob to look apon and laugh at my bad grammer and spelling mistaks. This is a plead from rob himself begging people to show some heart if they visist his blog to show that they exist by signing a name of posting a comment. And this also includes dear Rob. Rob like comments Rob also like people signing guest book. So sign my guest book or else Rob will start to show images of himself crying on this page and I don't know if I can do that.

Additional. Rob is slowly changing his blog. He is learning quickly but not that quickly. Rob has asked this many times and many times no one has answered which Rob very angry!!!!! But Rob forgives easily and asks again if there is anyone out there who knows a hell of a lot about creating blogs then Rob would love some hints and tips about things he has or things he doesn't have. Rob want deatailed describtions about how things are done. So please help out poor loving Rob and give him the chance he deserves by sending one pound a mo- whoops. I meant send him some advice about blog programming. Rob is grate ful. Thanks for reading this. And remember. Give Brins a visit.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

I'm on my way.

I'm on my way to having a great site for all fans of me to enjoy.
Posted by Hello

The picture is me on the west highland way last summer.

I have now copied my good friend Brins and have now got myself a new cheap looking guest book for you all to sign. Please sign it so I know you all exist.

Rob is on his way to improve his site for all his fans in many ways and has now gone up an extra step. What will come next we shall have to see......................

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Hello Now you see me (again depending how long you been visiting this site)

Rob says: " This is a poor picture of me but it is the best I have available. I hope you can enjoy this site. I am not really mad but I do enjoy acting like I am because it sometimes helps lower stress. I am still learning about blogs so it is onwards and up wards to this blog or at least I hope it is."

Hi all, it's Rob again. Yes again. Oh please don't start crying.

Oh yes, Rob returns yet again to fill your lives with me. My goodness such bad language. I'm not that bad.

Now those who are new here I am Rob.

Now rob has been away for sometime over the time around Christmas and a bit longer. But I am back now and in the mood to give you a more insane site for you all to see me and relase just how lucky you are to not be me. Enjoy.

Rob is greatful for many comments

I am glad that people have sent messages on this page. For the person that said it, yes I am quite mad. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha............*cough*

Now for the one who asked, the reason why from rob to sob has gone nowhere is that I just havn't had the time to look back at my past or anything. I may get round to doing it and when I do I will make it clear.

Now one thing if you will send me a message please leave me a name so it seems like you are real and not just me sending myself comments, Thank you.

Rob is still creating this site and is learning about it as he goes. But there is along way to go still.

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