An after Christmas special post. A look back on Rob's christmas with his family. Oh joy.The christmas morning began with an unexpected attack from a robotic dinosaur called Roboraptor. Oh the pain!!! Well the story is that when the family woke up in the morning they found one present already unrapped with Rob's name on it. All eyes turned on him but not for long as a loud roar was heard. The small plastic beast leapt up on Rob went straight for the throat which was too high so it settled with his thumb instead. The excitement died when it was discovered that it could be made tame simply by pressing a button. Although there was a simple harmless way of doing it Rob insisted on using the old sledge hammer. May Rob's Roboraptor rest in peaces.
Rob's real family seen here with their faces messed up to hide what they really look like. Fell free to laugh at that one's big noise. It isn't really that big but it seemed so funny I had to leave it.

In this picture you can see a little electric race set. You can see that I placed a race car in the mouth of good old
Roboraptor to add to the fun of it all. Heck it was Christmas after all. We used a
scalextric simpson set cars which were homer and bart on scateboards and placed them instead on a
hotwheels race set. I know it's childish but hey it's cheaper than
The following may affend certain people. If you get affended by anything that I said here then don't say that I didn't warn you. It's not much to be affended by but I won't be happy with complaints.
In the background you can see a
Talking Bush doll. Kept us all laughing and pitying America a great country which voted for this guy. Saying things like "rarely is the question asked: is our children learning" and "it isn't the pollution that's harming our environment. It's the impurities in our water and air that are doing it." Real words that he said. If you think these words show a good leader than I see why this guy is in power. He's a monkey!!!!
If you didn't want to read that then you may read on now.
In the center of this race track our happy moggy watches the race and wonders if that plastic dino tastes good.
Another gift we got was one of those light sabers from
star wars for my brother. It's great with sound effects and the light show when you turn it on and off like in the films.

With all that said and done we had a very Rob tastic christmas although we did have a large fight brought on from this photo. Fun was had by all. Hurrah.