Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Yes I did promise a surprise didn't I? Well I can only give two words(it could be one word really) at the present moment. These words are YouTube. The reason? Because the other guy wanted to attract a larger audience. Still I'll say no more right now and probably give you some more news next time. We're getting busy here at Robonthenet now that Rob's back. Yeah he sort of shouted at us for not doing enough and breaking the computer. Where's Rob been? Well er..... that'll be our little secret ok? You'll never know.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Blah blah blah.... Rob goes on again
I've been pondering an idea for some time. Maybe I should write a novel or to be more precise a series of novels of one overall storyline ( a saga if you will). I doubt I have the talent for that but hey who says I can't have a go and if doesn't really work out I'll probably end up posting it somewhere here.
It's so irritating when you're got rather neat ideas for stories that could well do amazingly in print if enough care is taken but just can't set out to write or put the words together. Anyone ever been there? I have two other story ideas in my head and each will be a saga.
None of these three story lines are comedy rather serious adventures. They are all set in the future each in very different time periods and each very different story wise. One of Rob's rules when it comes to creating is: that if you don't fully understand how things work create your own universe where everything works the way you want. For example if you don't understand how a specific part of your government works make up your own government that works the way you'd like it to. Thinking like that opens up knew doors though it mainly applies to fantasy stories. I say that because that's part of the reason I set the stories in the future because they are now in my world with my rules and I'm in control. Woo.
Wow I've gone on again. I'll shut me fat face now.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
We're baaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!

Yes it's been a while and Rob's missed you all. Well we say he did. At least I mean we like to think he did. I mean...
Anyway I bet you missed us mainly me of course. Who am I? er.... You know that's a very good question.
By the way Robonthenet is proud to announce a wee surprise for you all. Something which hopefully will explain why there's been few posts on Robonthenet recently. Ooh I love keeping you all in suspense but isn't it awful when it turns out to not be what you hoped for. Basically set your hopes down low then the surprise will be all the sweeter.

Yes we're back.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Is it just us or is the year 2007 been a tad er bad for robonthenet? Due to technical difficulties robonthenet seems to be out of order for now.
Sorry folks.
We'll fix the problem and be back online within the month or Rob will eat us. He will you know he eat Tim. Remember him? Oh and don't think Rob left us out of the fun. We all had our fair share of Timburgers. A little mustard some ketchup perfect.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
When will I get to land? - possibly the last post on here that you'll hear about it.
Yes I'm about to type up the first story on here but I'll post it er in thelandofrob seeing as that sites more about creation and randomness. And I think that if you had been reading the posts written before this one I'll bet you're already sick of hearing about the stories so I'll shut up.