Rob on the net


Tuesday, September 28, 2004

28 September

Hello all fans of me. I am back with more of me. And there is no escape!!!!!!!! HA HA HA!!!!!! Oh never mind.

Well it's the 28th of September and my birthday will be here soon. So I expect parties in the street, big fireworks, and many many more things.

Now while I type this Brins is sitting next to me searching through google to find if anything from his blog can be found. So far he is having no success. Keep trying Brins.

Now back to me. Well what can I say apart from yawn.

A day in the life of me.

Now today is Tuesday and a tiring day it is. My site has not yet been noticed by blog section showing blogs that have been found recently, but I have appeared on the ten most udated blogs once for a few seconds, but it was still there. Personly I don't think much of Tuesdays.

A day in the life of me continued.

Now today isn't much of a good day (never has been on Tuesdays). But it shouldn't be terrible. I'm always fealing tired these days and my memorie has been vanishing slowy over the years. No I'm not getting old. You can tell by my pictures that I am younge. Yeah.

I don't know about you but when someone begs me to do them a favior that I can't do a great surge of guilt flows through me. Oh man it aint good.

Now I have to leave you as Brins here has just told me that we only have five minutes of time left so I have to shut my fat ugly face and leave.

So bye.

Friday, September 24, 2004

24th September

It's me again. What's that? Oh come on I'm not that bad. People these days.

Please forgive my lack of funniness and my many spelling mistakes.

If anyone is reading this (which of coarse you must be) today I give you two pieces of good news on my behalf.

  1. In less than a week now I celebrate (well to be honest I'm not really going to do anything) my birthday. No one has to know.
  2. And also some appart from Brins has given me a comment. Isn't this fun. Yer it ain't much but it's a start. And I thank you for writting.

If you want to talk about a film I'll think one up at random if you want. Erm....that on with Tom Hanks....Erm "The Terminal" I think. Don't like it Tough. All right you can pick any film if you want to. There is "The Village" which is quite good. Enjoy.

Enough about that.

Well if you're new here enjoy this page. I'm experimenting with ways for people to enjoy this site and come more often so I won't just be writting shit to myself. As you have already found out I don't mind swearing but if your commenting try not to go too extreme. There is a list of possible (only possible mind you) plans for this page when I become more used to these Bloggs thingys. So enjoy.

Monday, September 20, 2004

20th September

Hello it's me again and no one has given me a comment on anything therefore I shall just write complete shit on this site as no one gives a damn, which is both good and bad.

If you are knew here don't mind my swearing every now and then, I must ask you to read the list of possible future things below and have a good time. Oh and feal free to laugh at my face.


Thursday, September 16, 2004

16 September 2004

Hello, it's me again.

I hope that you will enjoy this page and please feal free to comment below each entry, and if you want to, bring any ideas that you may have for improvements. But (I can't stress this enough) no taking the piss. I don't mind swearing, but if you have to, try to keep it down to a mild level.

Anyway, I am planning big changes for this web page and I hope that you will enjoy what I am trying to do.

Also as part of the new things I also plan to have people giving me their own opions on films and things. I wil select a film and I hope that people will give me their views. But I will have to first have someone tell me if they're willing to this first otherwise I will look like an even bigger tit than me on my photos. They don't even have to be films, books or plays could be alright.

I hope you will have fun and feal free to comment when you want to.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

15th September.

Well I am back. I hope that you will enjoy this site. And I have to say that if you have any hints or ideas about how to improve this page please comment on it. If you have any thing to appear here that I don't already have tell me what it is and give me a detailed step by step guide because this is my first time and I am very dumb. I will be happy if you don't comment complete shit and waste my time with affencive cheek!!!!! Thank you.


Posted by Hello

A day in the life of me.

Before I start I must say that Wednesdays are infact my busy days which I had forgotten about yesturday and I have very little time to work on this page so sorry about not bombarding you with all that was promised.
Wednesdays are my busy days because I come home earlier so I have more time to do work in. So I spend the day working which means that I have to do less on the other week days. Makes sense??
Try to imagine stuck indoors on a lovely sunny day doing work. Stuck infront of a small wooden desk. And outside the noise of bad parenting. Oh my. A small child obviously in a tantrum and from all the screams I can conclude that the mother had walked off without even attempting to calm the child down and making the situation worse for the child, passing people and me trying to work.
I just wonder why I bother. The work isn't even finished. Still it doesn't matter. I can't really be bothered talking about today because I'm fed up of looking at a computer screen. So I'll just say, 'til tomorow, bye.

Me again.

Posted by Hello

Hello all.

Now fellow fans of me.......Ok then fellow hatters of me, because this site is new I shall be explaining some things that I am planning for this site:

  1. I am seriously thinking about having a weekly or monthly debate on something just for the sake of it. But to be honest I know how much people can feel strongly about certain things so when I do get around to creating this option go nuts on your possible arguments. Also I don't mind swearing on this site so because I have a guilty conscience (oh and I may also make spelling mistakes so bear with me) I have to warn anyone (no matter how unlikely this is) who can get affended easily to maybe try looking away from the comments. Sorry guys. But I will first need a topic, so please give me one.
  2. Also as you may have already read, I am new to this so if you have any tips about how to improve my blogg please comment. I have to tell you this, that if you have any ideas please give me deatiled guide to do these things otherwise no changes will take place. I'm sorry I'm just stupid.
  3. I have to tell you this now that there is no and there never will be any porno'. Again sorry guys but htere you go.
  4. I may have some links to sites that I recommend (so there won't be many).
  5. Carrying on from number four, if you want me to create a link for your web page I will happily do it but if anything goes wrong I won't take the blame. Also if you plan to make me create a link please tell me what the site is like. And don't take the piss by sending me to a site that give my computer bugs. I will not stand for it!!! Ok?
  6. Also I shall be putting up more pictures to make this blogg look niser and no more of me. Oh and don't copy any pictures off my site and use them for your own means for I shall hunt you down and sui every last penny from you. As I said I WILL NOT STAND FOR IT!!!!
  7. Apart from all these others I shall see about telling anyone who wants to know about things that affect me. Please feel free to comment on these, give some advice or tell similar tales about your life. Or failing that you can just call me a whinning wuse.

Oh and please enjoy yourselves. I hope I havn't bored or depressed you.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

 Posted by Hello

And a new site is born.

Hello it's me.

On the 14th of September I try this for the first time and a new site is born.

Hurry Rob on the net is on the net and in the street there are huge parties raging throughout the night. Although now I can do nothing as I am busy but tomorrow I shall be bombarding anyone who reads this with pictures, links, news of things and anything else that comes my way. But until then I'm affriad there will be nothing today as I said I am busy so I leave you with a link to a friends site which I am sure should be fun. So until tomorrow enjoy

One of Rob's pics.

The picture here is the title screen for a game that I am making. It may never be completed but you can still enjoy the cheapness of this picture.
Posted by Hello
Now if anyone is wondering why my name is Rob-151 instead of just Rob well I'll tell you. Once along time ago there lived something called the msn chatrooms. Although they still excised in a way they're just not the same. As you may now have already guessed Rob-151 was my user name and I grew to like it. So now I keep it. If there are any other Rob-151's around then you are copying me as I am the original.

Another reason to show just how great I am.

Rob is still creating this site and is learning about it as he goes. But there is along way to go still.

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