Page 1 Part 2
This is Environmental studies which is just an odd name for topics studied and projects.
It reads:"Robert has shown an interest in most themes this year but appeared most interested in the Jacobite theme. He is capablein working independently but must try to improve his time management although progress has beenmade in this area over the year. He appears to be more confident in class discussion and his written work shows a sound knowledge and understanding. Presentation of works varies according to concentration. Robert enjoys group tasks."
Rob says: "Well of course I was interested when we studied the Jacobite rebelion. I was an 11 year old boy and was being told about wars and so on. Trouble is that few people in my year really understood it. They keep thinking it was the scots uprising against the evil english. What? No no and no. Fools.
"Ah class discussions. How I have forgotten that they even excisted. Well they must have because it says so. Hmm.
"My memory is a bit hazy with this year. I remember enslaving everyone and declaring war on the world but not much else. Is this the year when those giant squids made their first appearance. Blooming squids. Still I remember the rain forest topic, the jacobites and the dreaded living and growing.
"Buildings and personal safety. No idea what that was.
"This wasn't exactly a Rob tasic year but hey I'm out it now."
Part three: Religious and moral education. That was a joke. Can you stand to read more?