Too childish even for a child

This is Rob here. Now I am not clever in any way but I relay on common sense which is extremly useful in every day life. Here's what this is all about. When I have been a child there have been children's TV with shows about adventure and action. There were things which could inspire a child's imagination, get them dreaming. But now I believe that children's TV has become too childish to be childish. And it's not just TV. Any parent or teacher out there buying new books for younge children, are these books just full of smiling characters? Yes. The only thing that gives the child an adventure are these "Harry Potter" books. What else is there apart from a few other books few have heard of? Maybe that's why these books are so popular. Now here comes the worst. TV meant for children are designed for people under the age of 3 while TV for that age group is designed for children of age -5. Now after the child grows out of these BABY programmes what is there left? Adult programmes. Where did all this death, drugs and sex come from when the day before it was just a happy bunny? When I was young there was Mighty Morthing Power Rangers, Cops, Reboot, half way across the galaxy and turn left, and more. Where's the adventure now? In a play park what should be seen is children acting out parts of that episode they saw. You know. "I'll be X, you'll be Y and he'll be the enemy Z." Where are the shows to inspire? About an hour with the TV can't do much harm. The child isn't inside all day. You may wonder: "but wouldn't this create a generation of children without violence?" That is a good question. I thought that myself but then someone pointed out that if anything this new generation of child is more violent. I do wonder if this could be due to the "big leap" from child entertainment to adult. There is nothing in between and both are too extreme in either way for a child who is around ten years old. Think about this. I say this is a problem. If you disagree, think back to you're past an remember what there was for you when you were young. Did this show seem great? Did this seem spectacular? It doesn't take much to entertain a child of around ten, but give them some credit. Give them something to dream about when the're young and something to remember when the're older. As I say there is nothing to help people jump the gap from child to adult. Think about it then if you have anything to say comment below. You don't have to log in just click anonymous. As I have said I am not very clever so if you disagree just say it. I am not going to sart a campaign about this new "soft" TV but I think such a thing is important for a child's development.