Rob on the net


Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The evil pumpkin is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Run for your lies or hail it. It's up to you!!!!!!!

Yes it really has been a year today since you saw this photo. I'll prove it. Look at the side bar and scrool down to the archives and click on october 2005 and you'll see it.

It's waited a whole year and it's back.

Rob's scared are you? What do you mean no? How dare you not be affraid of the evil pumpkin!!!! Why I'll show you. You little son of a OUCH!!!! Stupid screen!! You've always held me back.

A new year and a new day of kiddies knocking at your door and demanding sweets and teens egging your house. I know that the teenagers are only following tradition but that's no excuse for them to through a cake at my window. No people!!!! Tradition dictates stones. Stones man stones!!!!! And eggs at special events like halloween. You eat cakes. I eat cakes and I ate those cakes and they were tasty too. A bit muddy but I didn't mind. Where was I? Oh yes cakes are good.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Ah memories

Never thought I'd say this.

You know what I miss about the lessons back in school? Two things writting stories in english and drawing stuff in art.

Most of the through school we'd get something like a picture and told to write a story inspired on it. I love doing that. There's an endless supply of plots that can be created from the simplest of pictures. I remember always creating stories that were just too much for about two sides of A4 (which is how much I would be able to write in the time given). I remember in first year I created a storie of two sort of tomboys who found a rather bloody murder and chased the murderer but lost him. The idea came from a picture of two youngish figures in darkness peering out of the bushes of some mansion. I liked the characters but the story failed esspecialy in the re-draft where I ran out of time since I forgot to write it up at home and had to do it quickly at brake. I ressurected the characters for the end of year test thing. I got a picture of some kind of box on the beach. I created an older brother brother for one of the girls who was quite a good character himself and wrote some mystery that you never found out in the story. I havn't seen that story since I handed it in but from what I remember it was really quite good for a 12 year old boy to write. I even got praise infront of the class for it. I ressurected one of the girls for another story in the next year but the story failed because it was really terrible.
Trouble is that in the last two years of school we were only one chance alone to write a stroy each year (I took the course twice and failed it each time... well it was evil). The first time I we were to write a monologue about some person in some kind of problem. I wrote about someone who stayed at home doing nothing when he left school while his friends moved on and left him alone. The story was him wandering the empty streets remembering his past and thinking how lonely he was but the teacher critised it because she didn't see what the problem was. Idiot.
The second was about a security guard watching offices on chirstmas and descovering something. It was only supposed to be a sort of first chapter in a novel of something. I think it would have gone down well if I had handed it in instead of just not being bothered.
I miss writing like that.

I also miss drawing in art. Shcoking the art teachers by doing a rather good drawing for the final exam and getting a great grade for it. Saddly the grade was dragged down because of my written work which I still don't understand what I was supposed to be writting about. Was it about the artist of the pictures? What was it?!?!?!?!
The exam was great. Hours and hours and hours just sitting drawing a still life. You see just how odd I am. I'm not artistic in any way infact I'm not even slightly interested in art because to be honest it doesn't exaclty mean anything. Smears on a canvas... real elephant s*** on a canvas what the hell? A pile of plates. What does it mean?
It's more insane than I am.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The wind just won't stop blowing. Rob likes windy days. Even being out in them except when it's cold as it is in here. Stupid cheep windows. And he needs a hair cut. Also isn't life good when you hear that your wieght's almost a good one? Just thought I'd say that. Yes the battle for the flab nears it end but what has this got to do with the flippin' wind blowing eh? It's a disaster. It's the last of the summer being blown away. Interesting aint it when before spring there's a lot of wind then it suddenly get warm and the same in autumn. Winter's mean. Every day is just one long evening. Try going outside all day one day in the winter and you'll see.

So what are we talking about? Oh yes. I think it's time to call Rob great again for just no reason. But I'm great and no one tells me that. Life isn't fair.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Those were the days.

Amazing how robonthenet goes through stages of popularity. One minute there's comments a many and the web counter fills up quickly then suddenly no one comes along. I remember the start. Just writing and see where it goes then it became popularish. Then we took the summer off and there were many many comments demanding us back. Amazing. Then the next summer there were none. And it i after that summer that everyone seems to have left us again. This happens often and people often come back yet I don't know about this time. The trouble is that no one says why. Rob won't bite if you say "man this sucks" or anything similar.

Rob did really well with from rob to sob butnow it seems there's no demand for it since no one seems to be coming here anymore. you know when less people visit and comment the sites just slow down because there's less point.

What's up with everyone. You're making Rob cry again. You don't want that do you? No. Rob crying is like well... Rob crying. It's that bad. Now we've warned you of this before in the past but this time it looks as if it may happen.

Only joking. I'm tired. Besides there's noone to read this anyway.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What is it with Rob and those giant squids?

They just keep on coming don't they? No escape. We keep telling them to go back to the sea but they won't go. Or do they come from outerspace? I can't even remember anymore.

Brins mentioned a few days ago about how Rob always makes some reference to giant squids in one way or another. The answer is a terrible secret that only Rob knows. Well obviously otherwise it wouldn't be a secret then would it? Yer a bit obvious Rob. What's that? No I'm not trying to over throw you. It aint my fault that fewer people are visiting anymore. Geeze just write some more fromrobtosob and get it over with. What's that? No time? Oh come on you had time to write this didn't you? Wait is it me or you writeing this? I can't remember anymore. Hey here's a question what ever happened to Tim. Where did he go? Oh no you didn't kill him as well did you? Sigh.

From Rob to sob starting agian soon. Just thought I'd mention that.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Rob fights and wins.

Rob's new webpage has been updated for the first time in ages. You see he does try to do what he says he will. I told you but you just didn't listen.

Finaly another step to greatness... or at least somewhere anyway.

Friday, October 06, 2006

The gatorcrashor

A logo for a joke

For a themed activity in the past Rob designed the gatorcrashor logo. Although this is no way famous or a copy of any known brand it does seem amusing to at least write about it for the
sake of it.

Now the name gatorcrashor was chosen because the theme was not even slightly reptile. The
gatorcrashor was an inflatable croc dressed up to look like another creature. After a small arguement with the creator of the croc idea (you can guess by now the extent of Rob's arguments which last for years and destroy whole cities in his fury) Rob was allowed to give the croc a logo and a name to make the joke clearer or create another joke depending on the reader. At this point the name gatorcrashor had not been chosen.

The logo was a challenge on it's own but as luck would have it the very first design was chosen by Rob. Well to be more acurrate Rob already had the idea in his head. He rarely makes different plans as he usualy knows what he wants to begin with.

Next it the design had to be drawn larger so Rob made attempts to draw it again and again and larger too. On this picture you can see the original design. Now the newer drawings make a right angle and the first stands on its own while the others are in two lines. Makes sense? Too bad.

Also a name was to be given. This took Rob a few hours. He needed a one word name that would express the joke. Now as you can guess the croc was supposed to be a badger. The creator wanted just the croc dressed up but Rob was convinced that people may not understand or see it as a cheap attempt. Rob to the rescue.

He needed a short one word name that would explain that this was a croc' that was in disguise. It took many attempts before a name was chosen and with the pressure from the creator who was taken a fun evening a bit too seriously. The ideas from Rob included Ali Badger. A rather cheap joke there. Do the words 40 thieves ring any bells? By this time the croc was now a gator.

These are the later designs for the logo. The second last is at the top and you can see it is similar to the final. Rob has always had trouble copying what he has already done before. Which is why he prefers to not do plans and designs. What you get perfect once will never be the same a second time round but Rob needed to redraw the gator again and again so he could get a larger logo than the original.

The chosen design was circled and traced so it could be stuck to the gatorcrashor. Saddly the while the name was being written the creator decided to just use the name gator. This caused a major war. After piece was made the gator now only had half a name. The newly named gator was taken to this fun night, caused some amusement but Rob still feels that gatorcrashor would have been better.

What do you think?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Rob. Forever thoughtful. Forever planning. Forever there.

Although there have been no visitors here at all over the last few months Rob still posts whenever he can. Since there is no one to read this, this is the end of the post.

Enjoyed it? Good, I know I did.

Rob is still creating this site and is learning about it as he goes. But there is along way to go still.

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