Over here it is evening now. Rob loves the evening. It's that time of day when everything slows down. The people leave the area for their homes, the children run around less, the bird song changes to a nice calming evening song, the rush hour is over (less cars on the road) and the sun sets leaving a spectacular effect on the sky that you will only see once and it always changes slowly as time passes. It can also be a sad time of day, when you're mind calms down from the day's worry and stress so you start to remember past events. This can make you sad as the things you remember are always happier days which you miss. But saying that, it can also be a romantic time of the day. I don't fully understand how this happens but when the evening comes people tend to stop doing things and start to talk instead. In the slow down of evening and beauty of the sky can have it's effects on people in many different ways. For example it can make people fall in love or create friendships between people. Rob has created many childhood friends at this time of day, but lost them later on in life. Rob doesn't completely understand this evening effect on people but he does know that it exists and why it happens is still a mystery to him. And Brins, if you are reading this, it is a bit late to understand what I'm talking about. Ha ha ha. Ah never mind.