Rob on the net


Wednesday, May 18, 2005

A spot of bad news. The amount of visiters coming to Rob on the net has dropped in the last year. There was a time where people were visiting at a rate of ten in just a minute. That was a good day for Rob. You should have seen his excited face. But now his smile has gone, instead he wonders if there is another site that has taken away his many visiters. So he now says "come back or I will cry" and cry he will. Believe me you don't want to see Rob cry. As funny as it may be to watch, you just can't help but pity him. Just look at that face there. Awwwwwwww. You just can't disapoint him can you. Posted by Hello

The people behind Rob on the net would like to apologise for the behaviour of a former member of staff and hope no one has been sickened by the horrible injury of one of our new workers. We hope that the actions of this person will not discourage you from visiting Rob on the net in future. The fact that this man did not give any amusing calls for help when attacked has ment that this man is not suited to work for us and has been fired on the spot even though he was in great pain. Ha ha ha. That's Rob for you. Posted by Hello

Now when you're out in the country you may find something called "wildlife." Wow! What you will be lucky to see is not dear but the Rob. Now the common Rob is known to hide in holes and bushes eating nuts and berries. Now the first sign that he is there is the sound of someone talking. But don't be confused as Robs have been known to mimic humans and... What's that? No don't send him in. He is insane. We just fired him remember! Remember he went mad last time we put him infront of a computer. Look you see it below. Get rid of him this is now my job. And I want to talk about nature. What? No!! I didn't mean to call you mad!!!!! No put that knife down and lets talk about this!!! No think of my wife and kids!!!! No!!!!!!! Posted by Hello

Monday, May 16, 2005

Now the Rob you see here is one that you should be thankful for seeing for he is great. Well may not think it but there you go. Now repeat after Rob. This is the best blog you have been to. There is no other better. Now there you go. You are now under the power of Rob and there is no escape. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!! Hey no bad language!!!!! I'm laughing here!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!! And no you can't complain about being under Rob's control for he is great and you are his slaves. Oh wait that was all a dream. Darn. You know I think I need help for I am talking about nothing and am just...... What's that? I have to go now? No! I was only joking!!! No don't let them take away Rob!!! Rob you betrayed me!!! Why?!?! ARRRRGH!!!!!! Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Over here it is evening now. Rob loves the evening. It's that time of day when everything slows down. The people leave the area for their homes, the children run around less, the bird song changes to a nice calming evening song, the rush hour is over (less cars on the road) and the sun sets leaving a spectacular effect on the sky that you will only see once and it always changes slowly as time passes. It can also be a sad time of day, when you're mind calms down from the day's worry and stress so you start to remember past events. This can make you sad as the things you remember are always happier days which you miss. But saying that, it can also be a romantic time of the day. I don't fully understand how this happens but when the evening comes people tend to stop doing things and start to talk instead. In the slow down of evening and beauty of the sky can have it's effects on people in many different ways. For example it can make people fall in love or create friendships between people. Rob has created many childhood friends at this time of day, but lost them later on in life. Rob doesn't completely understand this evening effect on people but he does know that it exists and why it happens is still a mystery to him. And Brins, if you are reading this, it is a bit late to understand what I'm talking about. Ha ha ha. Ah never mind. Posted by Hello

Here's one thing that Rob might say. Over here in the UK (for all I know you could be from somewhere else) the election for the new government is over and Blair wins again. Some people may dislike this but Rob stays neutral in this one and will not say who he wanted to win. Will there be any change over here? Who knows. But what I do know is that we must all carry on with our trust in Rob and hope that he will continue to fill ourlives with all things Rob. Ta ta. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

May's challenge.

Rob is sorry for missing out last month's challenge but this time there will be one. Now this is from a film that Rob watched when he was younger and is quite old now but that old. Old as in made in the ninties, last century. The quote is between two people: "I heard someone crying" "Dogs" "No someone. A person crying" "You heard nothing of the sort" The film itself isn't bad, infact its good but not brilliant. Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Rob has to say sorry because he has not been puting many posts here. This is mainly due to the fact that Rob has been extremly busy over this stressful time of year. There has been no challenge last month and I'm sorry. There will be one this month but give me a day or so until I have the time to make one. But that's no excuss why no one has entered the other challenge on the other rob on the net yet. I have recieved no entries and so there is nothing to judge. But I promise you that Rob will return in his usual random self some time soon. So until then please enjoy what there is of Rob on the net and I will get back to you. Ta. Posted by Hello

Rob is still creating this site and is learning about it as he goes. But there is along way to go still.

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